As #NaNoWriMo2021 continues with many writing their own novels, what novel can you just NOT get enough of in your life? What book has impacted you so much that you keep rereading it, purchasing multiple editions of it, seeking it out in used bookstores, gifting it to others, and reading or watching things related to it?
It only takes a few seconds of looking at my bookshelf or my wife’s (yes, we each have a bookshelf devoted to our own books) to see what book we are so passionate about.
My favorite is obviously The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. This pile doesn’t include my other books by J.R.R. Tolkien or ones about him, books about the Inklings, Middle Earth related books/maps/rpgs/boardgames, nor my souvenirs from my trip to Oxford and the Eagle & Child. Thorin states it so well, “Farewell, Master Burglar. Go back to your books… and your armchair… plant your trees, watch them grow. If more people… valued home above gold… this world would be a merrier… place…”

Angie’s favorite is obviously Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. This doesn’t include her other books by L.M. Montgomery and ones about her, the Anne toys, the related movies, nor the souvenirs from multiple trips to Prince Edward Island. Anne states it so well, ““Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it, well with no mistakes in it yet.”

What novel can you NOT get enough of?