In 2013, I was offered the opportunity to proofread my first tabletop rpg, Interface Zero 2.0 by Gun Metal Games. Soon to follow was Mindjammer 2.0 from Mindjammer Press. These two challenging projects awakened a passion to help others with their creative endeavors, thus starting my career as a freelance editor and proofreader in the tabletop game industry. Thanks go out to Angus Abranson (Chronicle City), Chris Birch (Modiphius), and Stephen Buonocore (Stronghold Games) for offering the initial projects and encouraging me to develop my skills as a proofreader and editor.
I am a freelance editor and proofreader, working on tabletop and rpg game projects for various publishers. My interest in tabletop games began at an early age playing various board and card games with family, then in junior high I was introduced to the Villains & Vigilantes roleplaying game, becoming hooked on tabletop rpgs for life. My roleplaying hobby continued to grow, and along the way I was introduced to board games such as Axis & Allies, Gammarauders, and Talisman, which fascinated me. I vividly remember being introduced to the larger world of hobby games when friends shared Settlers of Catan to my wife and me
Special thanks go out to my amazing family. I could not pursue this passion for gaming and freelancing without the encouragement and support of my wife, Angie, and twin daughters, Emily and Rachel. Playing tabletop games with them inspires me to help others create the best games possible that I would be proud to share with my family.
You can follow my current tabletop game editing projects and related discussions in my blog.
NOTE: Projects that are under a Non-Disclosure Agreement or still in development are not listed here.
- Achtung! Cthulhu – Dark Tales from the Secret Wars, Vol. 1
- Count Spatula: Tales from Three Drawers Down
- Simon Stålenhag’s Tales from the Loop
- Simon Stålenhag’s The Electric State
- Simon Stålenhag’s Things from the Flood
- Undercity – A Javier Zamora Novella
Board Games
- 504
- Aftershock: San Francisco & Venice
- Amul
- Animals on Board
- Astro Drive
- AuZtralia
- BarBEARIan Battlegrounds
- Bear Valley
- The Boldest
- The Bottle Imp
- Brikks
- Calimala
- Champions of Hara
- City of Spies: Double Agent – Expansion
- Coffee Roaster
- CO2: Second Chance
- Cottage Garden
- Dark Moon: Shadow Corporation
- Die Macher
- Disciple Detective
- Dizzle
- The Dragon & Flagon
- Dungeon Rush
- Egizia: Shifting Sands
- Encore!
- Fabled Fruit
- Farben
- Fast Sloths
- Fear (Fast Forward)
- Felicity: The Cat in the Sack
- Fine Sand
- Fire!
- Fist of Dragonstones: The Tavern Edition
- Five Cucumbers
- Flamme Rouge (Meteo and Peloton)
- Flee (Fast Forward)
- The Fog of War
- Folklore: The Affliction and Dark Tales Expansion
- Fool!
- Fortress (Fast Forward)
- Fortune (Fast Forward)
- Forum Trajanum
- Frogriders
- Fuji Flush
- Futuropia
- Get the Cheese!
- Gold Fever
- Heavy Steam
- Helios Expanse
- Indian Summer
- Kanban: Driver’s Edition
- La Granja ¡No Siesta!
- Memoarrr!
- Miskatonic University: The Restricted Collection
- Nimble
- Nova Luna
- Noria
- Not Alone: Exploration
- OT Draft
- Paper Tales and Beyond the Gates Expansion
- Piratoons
- Pit Crew
- Purim
- Second Chance
- Sola Fide: The Reformation
- Spring Meadow
- Starfall
- SteamRollers
- Subtext
- Terraforming Mars: Colonies
- Terraforming Mars: Prelude
- Terraforming Mars: Turmoil
- That’s Pretty Clever (Ganz Schön Clever)
- Times Square: The Zombies Are Multiplying
- Twice as Clever (Doppelt So Clever)
- Valparaiso
- Wasteland Express Delivery Service
- Wisdom of Solomon
- Achtung! Cthulhu – Assault on the Mountains of Madness, Elder Godlike, Fate Guide to the Secret War, Guide to the Eastern Front, Guide to North Africa, Guide to the Pacific Front, Heroes of the Sea, Interface Zero 19.40, Kontamination, Refractions of Glasston (Developer and Professor), Secrets of the Dust, Shadows of Atlantis, Terrors of the Secret War
- Arcane Focus: The Wayfarer Magics of the Vagabond Mage (PFRPG)
- Better Worlds
- Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails, Petersen’s Abominations, Reign of Terror
- Chronicles of Darkness (Index), Changeling: The Lost Second Edition (Index)
- City of Mist Starter Set and Core Book
- Coriolis: The Third Horizon
- Eldritch Skies – Savage Worlds Edition
- The Eleven Lights
- Exalted, 3rd Edition (Index)
- Forever Summer
- Genesys
- Glorantha Sourcebook
- Hellboy: The Roleplaying Game
- Infinity RPG – Haqqislam
- Interface Zero 2.0
- Mindjammer
- Mutant Chronicles – Cartels & Orbitals, Dark Legion Campaign, GM Screen, Luna & Freelancers, Mutant Chronicles Savage Worlds Edition, Venusian Apocalypse
- Mutant – Mutant: Genlab Alpha, Mutant: Year Zero, Mutant: Year Zero – Dead Blue Sea, Mutant: Year Zero – Lair of the Saurians, Mutant: Year Zero – GM Screen–
- Pugmire (Index)
- Pulp Fantastic
- Refractions of Glasston (Professor and Developer of student project)
- Robert E. Howard’s Conan: Jeweled Thrones of the Earth
- RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha, Borderlands
- Seven Worlds
- Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion
- Star Wars: Rise of the Separatists
- Tales from the Loop
- The Villain Codex I: Foes for Fledgling Heroes (PFRPG)
- Wardens of the Wild
- World of Darkness – Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition (Index), Mage: The Awakening, Second Edition (Index), Promethean: The Created (Index), Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition (Index)
If you have any questions regarding these published works or my work in the game industry, you can use the contact form or contact via Facebook or Twitter.