In 2013, I was offered the opportunity to proofread my first tabletop rpg, Interface Zero 2.0 by Gun Metal Games. Soon to follow was Mindjammer 2.0 from Mindjammer Press. These two challenging projects awakened a passion to help others with their creative endeavors, thus starting my career as a freelance editor and proofreader in the tabletop game industry. Thanks go out to Angus Abranson (Chronicle City), Chris Birch (Modiphius), and Stephen Buonocore (Stronghold Games) for offering the initial projects and encouraging me to develop my skills as a proofreader and editor.

I am a freelance editor and proofreader, working on tabletop and rpg game projects for various publishers. My interest in tabletop games began at an early age playing various board and card games with family, then in junior high I was introduced to the Villains & Vigilantes roleplaying game, becoming hooked on tabletop rpgs for life. My roleplaying hobby continued to grow, and along the way I was introduced to board games such as Axis & Allies, Gammarauders, and Talisman, which fascinated me. I vividly remember being introduced to the larger world of hobby games when friends shared Settlers of Catan to my wife and me 

Special thanks go out to my amazing family. I could not pursue this passion for gaming and freelancing without the encouragement and support of my wife, Angie, and twin daughters, Emily and Rachel. Playing tabletop games with them inspires me to help others create the best games possible that I would be proud to share with my family.

You can follow my current tabletop game editing projects and related discussions in my blog.

NOTE: Projects that are under a Non-Disclosure Agreement or still in development are not listed here. 


Board Games


If you have any questions regarding these published works or my work in the game industry, you can use the contact form or contact via Facebook or Twitter.