Sorry the blog has been so silent. My wife and I have been slowly recovering from COVID. If you remember from some previous posts, we were trying very hard to not catch COVID-19 because of the impact it could have on Angie’s health with her Multiple Sclerosis. Well, even with precautions taken, she finally contracted COVID-19 and I followed a couple days later. With my wife’s at risk status, we were both put on an antiviral treatment quickly. But even with that, my wife’s recovery has been very slow and difficult as COVID-19 flared up her Multiple Sclerosis significantly. While I am on the mend, she struggles still so my caregiving duties have taken precedence over most things, including blogging. Hopefully we will both be recovered soon and I will return to writing here.
Thomas R Knight
Husband, Father, Caregiver, Editor, Writer, Professor, Geek
Praying for you daily.