With my recent post on gardening, there has been interest in what books I might recommend related to my hobby. So, if you are a gardener already or thinking of getting into gardening, here are four books I think you might enjoy.
Most influential: Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew

The first edition of this book changed the way Angie and I considered gardening. Will still use principles from this book in our raised garden beds to have a greater density of plants in a smaller area.
Recent addition: Indiana Gardener’s Guide by Jo Ellen Sharp

My daughter, Emily, and I have been discussing native Indiana plants a lot recently. She is slowly converting her yard into a garden and has a significant interest in using as many native plants as she can. I found this book while seeking information and finding if very useful.
Thought provoking: The God of the Garden by Andrew Peterson

As I stated in a previous post, this book made me ponder even more why sitting in my garden helps me relax and focus, why walking around our small town listening to birdsong and other animals brings me peace, and why I get edgy if I get stuck inside for a while because of weather, illness, or responsibilities. My inner being cries out at times to be closer to the Creation around me.
Adjacent to my love of gardening: Flora of Middle-Earth: Plants of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Legendarium by Walter S. Judd and Graham A. Judd

If you have been following my blog for any length of time, you know I love Middle-Earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and writings by J.R.R. Tolkien. So it should be no surprise that as a gardener and hobby scholar of Tolkien that a book about the plants in Middle-Earth would fascinate me. Even if you are not into botany, this book has a wealth of fascinating info into the world of Middle-earth and the real world plants that influenced it.
How about you? Any gardening books, or gardening adjacent books, I should add to my library?