2021 - Darkhawk Comics

I grew up reading comic books, enjoying my trips to the local Hooks drugstore to spin the rack and purchase an issue or two every month. In college, I had a roommate who collected comics and had subscriptions to multiple titles that were mailed to him regularly. In college and soon after, I loved visiting an area used bookstore that had boxes and boxes of classic comics, and I slowly amassed a collection of my own. Then my interest in comics faded for a long while except for some digital comics reading off and on.

Recently, I was pulled back into the world of comic books when I heard that the new Darkhawk comic would have a hero who has Multiple Sclerosis. I am a caregiver for my wife, Angie, who has Multiple Sclerosis so this new comic hero grabbed my attention. When I mentioned to my wife that each issue would also have interviews with people related to the comic books industry who have Multiple Sclerosis, she was interested as well. So for our first time in our marriage, we have decided to get a subscription to a comic book together via Aw Yeah Comics in Muncie, IN.

Our first two issues just arrived this week and we are fascinated to see where the storyline goes and to read the interviews in further issues.

Do you enjoy comic books? If so, what titles? What attracted you to those comic books?

On My Shelf: Darkhawk Comic Books

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