As this is Indiana Disability Awareness month and it has been a while since I updated you on our status, I thought it proper to provide an update. As I stated previously, with her Multiple Sclerosis medications, Angie is immunosuppressed, which means she is at greater risk from the illness. Which means we continue to social distance and protect Angie while we wait on our vaccines and others to be vaccinated.
The pandemic numbers may be better and many are getting their vaccinations, but please remain dilligent with your mask wearing and social distancing. We understand the pandemic fatigue and frustration, but this pandemic is not over. We are seeing fewer and fewer people wearing masks in businesses, more people taking trips out of state, and more and more people having large gatherings of people. Please be patient and diligent as there are many, like Angie, who are still at high risk.
COVID-19 continues to impact our lives, yet we all see a light in the tunnel ahead. I have received my first COVID-19 vaccination shot and have my second scheduled for March 24th. Angie will be scheduled soon for her vaccine, once she has approval from her doctors. We are so looking forward to us both being vaccinated which greatly protects Angie and opens our lives up to our family and friends who also are vaccinated. Just getting that first shot was such an emotional boost, much more than I expected.
We are hopeful that we can both be vaccinated in time to attend in person our daughters’ college graduation in May. We also look forward to spending face-to-face time again with family and friends, enjoying meals together, and hugging those we care about. What do you look forward to most after being vaccinated?
How are you holding up in the pandemic? Have you received your vaccination?
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