
“A man’s daughter is his heart. Just with feet, walking out in the world.”

Mat Johnson

As of Saturday, my daughters are no longer teenagers. Was it really just four years ago we celebrated their sweet sixteen birthday? Back then, we were thrifting for prom dresses, working our first Gen Con booth, debating how daddy should react to future boyfriends, preparing for high school graduation, researching college options and majors, and having serious discussions regarding their lives beyond the doors of our home.

Now we discuss international travels, carpool together to a summer job, prepare to work a Gen Con booth again (now for a different publisher), plan for student teaching (possibly even overseas), discuss graduate school and careers, have a boyfriend over to play games, research car options, and try to find a rhythm at home with four adults all living different, busy schedules.

Twenty years old feels so significant as we move past the teen years. Angie and I are enjoying this new phase of our relationship with our daughters. She and I have become closer friends with our daughters and transitioned from parental overseers into parental mentors. I really enjoy spending time with my daughters, enjoying similar hobbies together, and encouraging their own hobbies and passions to watch from the side. Yet, I still love so much the drive-by hugs, heads leaned on my shoulder, watching movies together on the couch, and asking daddy for help with things. They will always be my little girls, but they are also amazing young women who are nearly ready to step out and take on the world on their own.

Emily and Rachel, you are amazing young women who make this daddy so proud. Love you both!

Happy 20th Birthday To My Twin Daughters

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