2022 - Colonoscopy Prep

Ok friends and family, time to talk health. I’m getting my first colonoscopy on Monday, so I’m in my prep time this weekend. I want to share my experience, as others over 50, like myself, should be having these done as well. Hoping by being open about this, it might help others feel comfortable with the procedure. If you’ve had a colonoscopy, any suggestions for how to make the prep better? Technically this is my second prep. I did a prep for this back in February and woke up with a fever over 100 degrees, so they canceled my colonoscopy. This is my rescheduled second attempt at my first colonoscopy. Yeah…

Today is 3 Days Prior preparations for my colonoscopy on Monday. I have to stop eating raw vegetables or vegetables containing seeds. I also have to stop eating corn, popcorn, nuts, and seeds. Fiber supplements are a no no as well. I also purchased all my clear liquid diet items earlier this week to prepare for this weekend.

Sunday is the 1 Day Prior preparations which is a liquid diet, laxatives, and lots of personal time in the bathroom. Per recommendation of many of my friends and family, I will set up a small table in our bathroom with an old laptop for streaming movies and a stack of books to distract me for the day.

Colonoscopy preparation diet.
Here is my 1 Day Prior preparations

The Holderness Family did a wonderfully informative and humorous video about her experience having a colonoscopy. The video actually helped me relax as I consider my upcoming procedure.

Feel free to ask any questions in the comments or give me suggestions for making the colonoscopy prep go easier. Hopefully, I will be updating you next week on how the procedure went.

Colonoscopy Candor – The Preparations

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